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Cultural Activity  Centre.

Is a Space for local communities from all different background ethnicity to explore and perform their culture activity to other communities sharing the knowledge of each other good values

Culture is a word that carries more than one meaning, as it is able to advance community from one stage to another, and from one era to another, and it is also a group of human knowledge that a person acquires and affects his thinking, his understanding of things, his behaviour and morals, society and life in order to be able to deal with society in a proper manner. So, culture is knowledge and behaviour, or it is knowledge that refines human behaviour. From here comes the role of cultural institutions and centres in expanding the ground of dialogue and convergence between the cultural and intellectual energies of community, that is, turning into an effective cultural entity that meets the requirements of young people to find various activities that keep them away from street practices harmful to them and their society. Thus, they are allowed to make a qualitative contribution to the development of their community.

Cultural centres can play an important role in the process of social integration and in social life through the establishment of activities and events that qualify them to occupy the centre stage in society in all fields in order to spread awareness among its children and in order to build a successful, balanced, conscious and educated generation that contributes to the achievement of a promising future.

But we reiterate that these cultural services directed towards our community, remain capable of development, and we therefore look to the future with greater optimism that gives us confidence that the Cultural Activity Centre (CAC) has an important role towards this important sector of our society emerging and looking towards a better tomorrow.



Our Aims and mission  

Young people:

Young people make up a large segment of our community in Hull. We, in the Cultural Activity Center (CAC) seek to achieve an effective integration between youth and community and keep them away from the streets and bad activities so that they become an effective generation able to deal with life facts around them, and the diversity of cultural services provided by our center serves in its generality the achievement of those previous goals.

The Cultural Activity Center (CAC) aims to combat emptiness and the exploitation of free time among young people, and to popularize scientific, cultural and artistic knowledge in their midst, so that intellectual hobbies and manual skills are spread and popularized as widely as possible. The goal of the Cultural Center in this field can be summarized as follows:

  1. Expanding the base of practitioners of intellectual hobbies, in the field of culture, arts and hand skills, among the youth.
  2. Expanding recreational activities directed at youth, such as daily gatherings at the center and sports courses among young people.
  3. Working to raise the level of activities in the center and ensure its suitability and compatibility with the requirements of young people.


In the Cultural Activity Center (CAC) we seek to create activities aimed at raising children socially, educationally and culturally by occupying their spare time with sound educational means and methods and preparing to build their own paths with courage and responsibility.

Taking care of children socially, educationally and culturally during their spare time and during school vacations.

Protecting children from physical and psychological neglect, and protecting them from being subjected to delinquency,

Providing the child with the opportunity to grow in an integrated manner from all physical, mental and emotional aspects, to acquire new skills and to reach the greatest extent of developing his latent abilities

Refugee and BAME Group

We feel that the Refugee and Bame group in general has been left out in many ways refugee when arriving in the UK they get help with money some education maybe housing, Jobs Ext.
At the Cultural Activity Centre, we found that often that a member of Bame community can getting them self in treble without realizing and end up in prison due to not knowing some aspect of the law in this country and the different in the cultures.
We try to address these issues by guidance and educational seminars and communicating these differences at the early stage of their arrival showing them how to not to get them self in treble and also how to integrate in the new community that they are in
Offering them a place for social interaction and activity that can benefit them in starting a good successful new live

How You Can Get Involved

  Contact Us to get Involved Call (++44) 01482 459 137

Become A Member

We are looking for all people from all backgroup become a member today and expose your culture to pepole a round you 

Sponsor Program

Our Centre are becoming atrackting more and more visitores and user why not take the oppertunity and sponsor some of our facilitise and porgrams for gaining markinting spot 

Charity Fund

Every penny that you donate we will make sure will go to word achieving our aims  

Our Facilities 

the centre has great facilities reception room, offices, large hall toilets on both floors as well as disable toilet and lift, our conference room equip with projector and TV, 2 meeting rooms and large kitchen 

Rent Our Hall

 Main Hall £35ph

Conference Room £25ph

Meeting Room £15ph 

 *Discount available for long sessions and regular bookings 

Free To use 


Pool table, tennis table, game consoles, TV and internet facility available 



Become a Volunteer Today

Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. 


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70-72 Charles St , HULL, HU2 8DQ

Call Us: 01482 459 137